If you want perfect (or at least remotely decent) children photos then you should give due regard to the list of things to bring to a child’s photo session.
Your children’s photos might actually turn out fairly decent if you bring the following.
Squeaky toys may be the last thing on your mind when taking baby or infant photos. But what if the little one throws a tantrum? Then that favorite squeaky toy can prove to be a lifesaver if nothing else will appease your inconsolable child during the photo session. The right toy can make a wailing child more cooperative, put them in a better mood or just distract them long enough for a decent photo.
Human Props
That would be the hubby or your older kids. Don't come alone with a baby or infant. Bring your other half along with you. Older kids can also do wonders in cheering up your little one for a somewhat decent photo shoot.
Baby Wipes
Baby wipes are so helpful for wiping away tears from crying babies and infants. You can wipe their wee noises too so that they look good in their photos. Always keep some in the car. You could use them for controlling your own makeup disaster too!
Bug Spray
Annoying, big, buzzing pests can put your child in a bad mood well before you even reach the studio. Keep bug spray in the car and use it too.
It is a wonder how quickly kids get their hair in a tangled mess. Not good news for kiddy photos. Combs and brushes are your best friends when shooting photos for kids.
First Aid Kit and Epi Pen
You never know when you will need band aid anyway. Epi pens are a must-have for allergies. And almost all kids seem allergic these days.
Treats and Laughs
Keep your kids in a good mood before the photo with lots of laughter and treats. The photos will come out better when kids are feeling upbeat.