We all remember our bereaved loved ones during our most joyous occasions pondering how happy they would be were they present.
If one or both of your parents passed away before seeing you married, you could still honor their memory by carrying on traditions that they held dear.
Your relatives and guests will certainly be most pleased at the pleasant nostalgia and fond reminiscences of your parents.
Here is how to remember deceased parents during your wedding.
Mother’s Wedding Dress
There is nothing more intimate and special than wearing your mother’s dress at your wedding. Likewise, men can also honor their fathers' memory by wearing an item that they wore during their wedding. There is something heartwarmingly special about wearing items that your loved ones donned during their special day.
If you do not have your mother’s wedding dress, you can still wear her jewelry, necklace, locket, ring or other family heirloom artefact. Similarly, men can wear articles belonging to their fathers like watches, cufflinks, rings and other items belonging to their deceased parents. Doing so would pay a fitting tribute to the memories of your parents. This is a powerful way of including them in your wedding since memories live forever. You can still have your parents in your heart on your wedding day, as can your guests.
Special Table
A spectacular homage to your parents would be to set up an exclusive table complete with a beautiful handwritten card paying rich tribute to them. Also, be sure to keep their most brilliant photos, including wedding photos, on the table so that guests can appreciate and marvel at this extra special arrangement.
You can also arrange a picture display of your parents and any other deceased relatives at the wedding reception conspicuously as a touching way of remembering them and cherishing their memories.
You should also dedicate the wedding speech to your parents, stating how happy deceased parents and relatives would be for this blessed occasion.