If you are getting your senior portrait photoshoot done, your outfit is the key to getting good pictures. The colors and styles of your outfit can make a world of difference. This calls for planning your outfits beforehand.
Why should I bring multiple outfits to the shoot?
Outfits look different on camera than what they look in real life. Your photographer will guide you on what outfits to pick based on the background, lighting, style, and colors. It is always best to have an ample selection of pictures to choose from for your senior portrait, which are easy to capture when you have a change of outfit ready to go.
Consult your Photographer
It is a great idea to run your outfits by your photographer! Take a few pictures with the outfits you’ve come up with and send them to your photographer to ask for their professional opinion. They will guide you on what looks good on camera and what will bring the focus on you. You want your outfit to compliment you and not draw attention away from your face.
Have a Range
You may bring two or three outfits that you think are best, but make sure they vary in style. Change up the formality of the outfits and have a mix of colors for the photographer to play around with..
Be Comfortable
Your clothing choices should be comfortable and something you usually wear. Clothing that is too tight or needs constant fixes will distract you from the shoot. Uncomfortable clothing limits your posing options and styles and generally does not have great results.
Bring Your Sports Outfits
If you’re into any sports, don’t be shy to bring along your uniforms or sporting gear. This is an easy way to display your interest, especially if you are famous for it in your school. Your photographer will catch you in your element, showing off your talents and skills for the yearbook.
Props are not just limited to uniforms or outfits. You can even bring along your musical instruments, medals, shields, or any other props that represent you as an individual. You can even bring your pets!
Shoes and Other Accessories
If you bring a selection of different outfits, don’t forget to bring appropriate matching accessories and shoes! Watches, ties, jewelry, or even makeup might need to be adjusted with every change of clothing. Be sure to plan an entire outfit and not just the clothes. Ladies should be careful about the type of jewelry they wear with casual or formal fits. Make sure your accessories don’t draw too much attention!
Lastly, be sure to try on your outfits before your shoot so that you know how well everything works together. It’s not enough to just imagine your outfit in your head. This way, you can make any necessary changes beforehand and save time on the shoot. Good luck!